Friday 11 June 2010

First Go!

Hello Everyone, (ok so, everyone is just me and my husband so far!)

I decided to start this blog for a couple reasons:
1. I wanted a hobby that was fun, meaningful, and entertaining
2. I already review all the food and restaurants I go to in my head anyway, why not inform others as I go along so they too can have the blessings of knowledge!
3. I love to cook. It comes in waves like anything else in life. I read cook books like they're novels. I enjoy eating in and out.
4. I am always studying cookbooks and trying new recipes and tips. Why not pass it on?

Some ground rules of this blog:
A. I will post recipes of things that I have made myself, and hopefully pictures of everything.
B. I will post places in and around where I live that I have eaten in and my own reviews of those places. Hopefully that will educate you and in turn you will have a better experience.
C. I will post of those interesting foodie markets that are here that promise wonderful groceries that I have never seen before but can't live without!
D. I will have fun!

Tidbits about me:
I live in England, Suffolk county to be exact. However, I am American. Having just moved here from California, there is some culture shock. The food here (British food) is very different than what I'm used to. I miss Mexican food more than I thought humanly possible. But, I am soaking it all in while I am here for the next couple of years. I've already been to many restaurants and have had mostly positive experiences while being here. Hopefully, this will be a positive learning experience for all of us! I look forward to it!

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